What's the Plan?

We need a specific answer to a specific question. A vague generality just wont do. What's the plan? The number of pilgrims making their escape on the Catholic escape route from godlessness to paradise has been reduced from a torrent to a trickle. Fewer and fewer are going to Mass. Nobody is going to Confession. Vocations have dried up. Marriages are crumbling. Churches are withering and dying. The only sacrament holding its own is the sacrament of extreme unction and this is so only because the dead have no choice. What is the plan to turn the trickle back into a torrent? The floodgates are almost closed. What is the plan to re-open up the floodgates? Surely, there must be a plan! Is the plan to continue to let the old generals fight the last war with yesterday's tools, tactics and strategies? Is the plan to let the failed status quo continue?  Please, tell me the plan to reverse the decline of the Church. Please tell me the plan to turn the trickle back into a torrent. I pray that it is not the same old sh%$. Catechesis is a vague generality. What is the specific plan? Until a specific plan is in place, we squander our resources by investing in the old generals who cling with a death grip to anachronisms that no longer work. What is the plan? We are diddling in the nitty-gritty of Christianity. The minutia of Christianity has swallowed up the pizzazz. The glass of Christianity is all water and only a dash of wine. It ought to be all wine. In our fervency to defend the Catholic identity, we have lost sight of the identity of Jesus. Nobody can see the Big Picture anymore. Our attention has been hijacked to sub-plots and away from the main plot.  The old generals think that all elements of Christianity are equally important. They are not. I assure you. We can no longer differentiate between what elements of Christianity are more important and what elements of Christianity are less important. We no longer know the difference between steak and hamburger.  The wheels of the Church have leaped off the track. It is a train wreck. How do we get the Church back on track? What is the plan? Surely, there is a plan?

The Call for a New Reformation

Who will arise to reverse the decline of the Church? Who will spring forth (Matthew 16:18)? Fewer and fewer are going to Mass. Nobody is going to Confession. Vocations have dried up. Marriages are crumbling. Churches are withering and dying. The only sacrament holding its own is the sacrament of extreme unction and this is so only because the dead have no choice. Traffic on the escape route from godlessness to paradise is vanishing. The torrent has turned into a trickle. The Church has become moribund - irrelevant - marginalized. Who will revive it? Who will make it relevant again (Matthew 16:18)? The status quo is not working anymore. The old generals are fighting the last war with yesterday's strategies and tactics. Their attachment to anachronism is the anchor that is pulling them down and the Church with them. It is causing them to lose the current war. Therefore, it is a waste of resources to invest in them. The world has changed and new solutions are needed to address its current problems. A new generation of leader is needed to take us into the future (1 Samuel 3).  Who will come to reform the Church? Who will raise the Church from the dead?

Compstat and the Church

The New York City Police Department runs a program of self-criticism called CompStat by which it uses crime statistics to evaluate the job performance of its bosses. Given the deplorable Catholic statistics, if such a program were applied to the bosses of the Catholic Church, many heads would roll. Shall we wait until the number for Mass attendance falls into the single digits before the bosses of the Catholic Church are fired for incompetency? 

The Conversation about God is Dead: The Problem and the Solution

Like a broken record, every word from the mouth of the Church is sin, sin and more sin. The Church is playing the same old song over and over and over again. The repetition has become tiresome. Yet, the Church is surprised when people tune out and switch to a different station.  God is not dead. Indeed, God is very much alive. However, the conversation about God is dead. Killing the conversation about God is tantamount to killing God. The enemies of the Church know this. The Church does not. When we exclude God from the conversation, we empty the earth of the knowledge of God (Isaiah 11:9). God becomes a stranger to us. And nobody follows a stranger. Fewer and fewer go to Mass. Nobody goes to Confession. Vocations dry up. Churches wither and die. The trend is downward. Only when God stops being a stranger to us - when we establish and develop a relationship with him - when we get to know him - when he becomes a member of our family - when the Son of God becomes our brother, does the trend get reversed. 

The accusation leveled against the bosses of the Church today is not corruption but incompetency .

The Job of the Church

Is the job of the Church to keep sinners off the escape route from godlessness to paradise or to get sinners onto it? Is the job of the Church to bring sinners to the holy places that define the escape route or to bar sinners from them? Is the job of the Church to maximize the new exodus or to minimize it? Is the escape route a public highway, catholic in its scope, open to all including sinners or is it a private, limited access road reserved for the exclusive use of a sanctimonius subset of self-styled saints? Is the Church supposed to be grease for the wheels of the escape or an obstacle in its way? Is the Church supposed to facilitate our escape or frustrate it, filter it and  foul it up? After Adam and Eve, like foolish children, ran away from their home with God in paradise and took us with them into godlessness, did God leave the door open, the porch light on and the welcome mat out in the hope we would return home after our exile in godlessness was over or did God shut the door after us and lock it? Who is your God and what is his Church?

Is a Church necessary? Indeed, yes. To the Church is entrusted the sledgehammer of truth, the map of the holy places and the key of morality that unlocks the cages of sin.

Foreground vs. Background

Our passage through life is not about our compliance or non-compliance with the official rules, regulations, red tape and rigmarole of the Church. The Church is not a government. The aristocracy of the Church does not exist to Lord it over the peasantry . The aristocracy of the Church exists to facilitate the reconciliation between God and each of us. Reconciliation does not take place on a corporate basis. Reconciliation takes place on an individual basis - person by person. As a facilitator, the Church stands in the background. God, us and the process of reengagement with God occupy the foreground. It is not about the Church. It is never about the Church. It is always about God and us and reconciliation. The aristocrats of the Church need to learn a lesson from our amusement parks. The nitty gritty of their operation takes place in the background away from the eyes of their customers. When the nitty gritty breaks into the foreground, the experience is ruined. The Church is functioning well when God is in the foreground and the Church is in the background. However, when the Church jumps into the foreground and elbows God into the background, all hell breaks loose.

The Role of the Church

The Holy Spirit is tugging on our souls and the curious are following the tug back to its source. Along the way, sinners are exploring the mystery, majesty and magnificence of God. In the process of exploration, God transforms sinners into saints. The role of the Church is to serve as our tour guide showing us the sights as we make our escape from slavery under the yoke of Pharaoh, through the hostile desert of godlessness, to freedom with God and his holy family in the promised land. Surely, a more than two thousand year old Church knows a thing or two about the sights to see as we explore the mystery, majesty and magnificence of God?

The job of the Church is to facilitate our passage through the hostile desert of godlessness from slavery under the yoke of Pharaoh to freedom with God and his holy family in the promised land. Frustrating, filtering our fouling up our passage through godlessness is not the job of the Church.

The Less Catholic they are, the More Catholic they Claimed to Be

Like Donald Trump, the custodians of the escape route from godlessness to paradise have built a wall around it, have taken down the 'Open to the Public' signs and have posted 'Do Not Enter' and 'No Trespassing" signs on it.  The escape route from godlessness to paradise was designed to be a public highway, catholic in scope, open to all including sinners. Its custodians. however, have tranformed it into a private, limited access, path reserved for the exclusive use of a sanctimonious subset of self-styled saints. The public highway is not open to the public anymore. The escape route is no longer catholic. All are not welcome. Many are denied access. Pilgrims are turned away as unworthy. Instead of maximizing the new exodus, the custodians are minimizing it. Yet, the custodians are surprised that traffic on the escape route is shrinking. Fewer and fewer of us are going to Mass. None are going to Confession. Vocations have dried up. Churches are withering and dying. After Adam and Eve, like foolish children, ran away from their home with God in paradise and took us with them into godlessness, God left the door open, the porch light on and the welcome mat out in hope that we would return after our exile in godlessness was over. He didn't put a screen on the door to keep flies and sinners out.

The Church is not a government. It was not put on earth to regulate us. The Church was put on earth 1) to shatter the illusions that hide the truth from us, 2) to share the map of the holy places that define the escape route from godlessness to paradise and 3) to put into our hands the key of morality that allows us to open the cages of sin in which we are imprisoned. God will not drag us back to paradise against our wills kicking and screaming like recalcitrant children. The Lord is shouting at us, 'Give me your hand. Give me your hand. Give me your hand so I can pull you out of the sourness of godlessness.' But, in the end, it is up to us whether or not to take it.

Inbreeding - monoculture - produces three eyed children whether it is between genetic siblings or ideological siblings. Inbreeding is not good for the gene pool.

The Church has tied God up in knots with its official rules, regulations, red tape and rigmarole. It is time to set God free.

The proximate goal of the Church is to get the children of Adam and Eve to ask for directions from here to there - from godlessness to paradise. This is achieved by shattering the illusions conjured up by the serpent that hide the sweetness of paradise from us and sugarcoat the sourness of godlessness. The sledgehammer of truth shatters the illusions as the blow of a hamer shatters glass. When the illusions are shattered and the truth becomes visible, we clamor for directions to paradise. The Church has the map and knows the way. The remote goal of the Church is to get the children of Adam and Eve to ask for directions about freeing themselves from the cages of sin. Settlers do not ask for directions to free themselves from the cages of sin. Only pilgrims ask for the key of morality. The Church can accomplish nothing until the children of Adam and Eve ask for help. Therefore, to transform sinners into saints, first settlers must be transformed into pilgrims. The edifice of morality is built on the fondation of the escape.

The Church's solution to the problem of sin is to throw its official rules, regulations, red tape and rigmarole at sinners. This tactic, hovever, does not work. Knowledge of the official rules, regulations, red tape and rigmarole of the Chruch does not transform sinners into saints. It merely classifies sinners as sinners with the taxonomy of sin. There is no inspiration in the Church's official rules, reguations, red tape and rigmarole. The Church's official rules, reguations, red tape and rigmarole are the nitty-gritty of Christianity. Only the pizzazz of Christianity inspires transformation. To transform sinners into saints, it is necessary to first transform settlers into pilgrims. To transform settlers into pilgrims, the illusion that hides the sweeetness of paradise from us and the illusion that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness need to be shattered. The sledgehammer of truth needs to shatter them as the blow of a hammer shatters glass. Rational people seek the sweetness of paradise and flee the sourness of godlessness. It is contrary to our self-interest to do otherwise. When the illusions are shattered and the truth becomes visible to us, we ask how do we get there from here - from godlessness to paradise. When we start asking for directions to paradise, it becomes the time for the Church to declare that it knows the way. It is time for the Church to show us the map. God built an escape route from godlessness to paradise, defined the escape route with holy places, made a map of them, established a Church, entrusted the map to the Church, and gave the Church the job of facilitating our escape - not the job of frustrating it, filtering it or fouling it up. The escape from godlessness to paradise is primary. Nothing else matters. Everything else is secondary. Anything that interferes is suspect. These are the steps in the transformation of a sinner into a saint. 1) Shatter the illusions, and 2) Share the map of the holy places when we ask for directions from godlessness to paradise. These steps are the foundation for building a Christian. Lay the foundation and everything else falls into place. Bypass the foundation - try to take a shortcut - cut corners - and everything falls apart. The edifice of morality is built upon this foundation. The key of morality that unlocks the cages of sin is meaningless until the foundation is built.

Revelation vs. Regulation

Today the bosses of the Church prefer regulation over revelation. They prefer to regulate us rather than to reveal the identity of Jesus to us. Authority not insight is their thing . Instead of filling the earth with the knowledge of God , they fill it with official rules, regulations, red tape and rigmarole. The bosses have allowed the nitty-gritty of Christianity to dilute its pizzazz. Too much water has been added to the wine. Now, however, revelation is demanding equal time. Is it possible to reserve at least 50% of the conversation to revelation? More revelation; less regulation. Don't you have something to say about God?

As traffic on the escape route from godlessness to paradise declines from a torrent to a trickle, smugly, the bosses of the Church proclaim that a smaller, purer Church is our goal thereby transforming, through the power of words to dissemble, their failure into a success.

A Mistake has been Made. We have taught them to Read, Write and Think for Themselves!

The aristocracy of the Catholic Church taught the peasantry of the Church to read, write and think for ourselves. When we do so, however, the aristocracy of the Catholic Church takes a shit fit.. Disagreement between the peasantry and the aristocracy discombobulates the aristocracy. It makes them apoplectic. They put the gun in our hands but are surprised when we use it. Instead of taking a shit fit, please grow up. Stop treating us like children. Is it even possible for them to treat us as equals? 

The vestigial arrogance of the aristocracy of the medieval, monarchical, and masculine Church is summed up in the 1906 encyclical of Pope Pius X titled “Vehementer Nos“, in which he denounced France for its passage of a law establishing the separation of church and state

The Scripture teaches us, and the tradition of the Fathers confirms the teaching, that the Church is the mystical body of Christ, ruled by the Pastors and Doctors — a society of men containing within its own fold chiefs who have full and perfect powers for ruling, teaching and judging. It follows that the Church is essentially an unequal society, that is, a society comprising two categories of persons, the Pastors and the flock, those who occupy a rank in the different degrees of the hierarchy and the multitude of the faithful. So distinct are these categories that with the pastoral body only rests the necessary right and authority for promoting the end of the society and directing all its members towards that end; the one duty of the multitude is to allow themselves to be led, and, like a docile flock, to follow the Pastors.

How anachronistic does Pope Pius X sound in “Vehementer Nos“! How medieval! If you wanted a docile flock that allows itself to be led, you should not have taught us to read, write and think for ourselves. You should have kept us stupid - ideologically colonized - bedazzled and overawed by superstition and mystery over which you claim the exclusive monopoly.

When the Church had the exclusive monopoly over thinking, it tried to jam doctrine down our throats by dint of omnipotence. This is a medieval not a modern tactic and it arises from a time when authority and hierarchy were rigid and unquestioned. Before we learned to read, write and think for ourselves, we docilely swallowed whatever they jammed down our throats. Times have changed. Now, we no longer docilely swallow. Instead, the Church's heavy-handed tactic triggers our gag reflex. We regurgitate. The command - obedience paradigm no longer works. It has been broken since the era of Adam and Eve but the aristocracy have never taken notice. A new approach, therefore, is needed. The appeal must be to our rationality. We must be persuaded. This dismays the medievalists. They have no confidence that their doctrine is persuasive. The modernists, however, are up for the challenge. In fact, they think an appeal to our rationality is the best way to go.

Rational people seek the sweetness of paradise and flee the sourness of godlessness. It is contrary to their self-interest to do otherwise. Therefore, instead of getting bogged down in the nitty gritty of Christianity, why don't you show us the sweetness of paradise and the sourness of godlessness? Shatter the illusions that hide them from us. Shatter them with the sledgehammer of truth as the blow of a hammer shatters glass. Shatter them so the truth can set us free.

The illusions that hide the truth from us are thin or thick depending on whether we are rich or poor. It is easy for the threshold of truth to shatter a thin illusion. It is hard for it to shatter a thick illusion. That is why Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24). The rich have thick illusions that are hard to shatter. They have the means to ameliorate the shithole of godlessness. They can mask its stink with perfume. Moreover, they have difficulty appreciating the sweetness of paradise when they think that they already possess paradise. The weight of their wealth makes them settlers in godlessness instead of pilgrims. The illusions of the poor, however, are thin. You have heard it said that blessed are the poor. Without the heaviness of wealth, it is easier for the poor than for the rich to replace their sessility as settlers with the mobility of pilgrims. The poor are blessed because the illusions that hide the truth from them are easier to shatter.

The bosses of the Church are trying to build Christians without first laying a foundation. It cannot be done. This shortcut never works. Corners like this cannot be cut. The foundation must be laid before a Christian can be built. The foundation is laid during the first two stages of the new evangelization. The first two stages of the new evangelization involve shattering the illusions with the sledgehammer of truth and making our escape from godlessness to paradise using the map of the holy places. The foundation of a Christian has nothing to do with morality. Morality is the edfice that sits on top of the foundation. Morality belongs to the third stage of the new evangelization. No foundation; no morality. Lay the foundation and everything else falls into place. Bypass the foundation and everything else falls apart.

Snack Food

The Church is akin to a fast food restaurant that churns out so much snack food that it is too much for its customers to consume. The supply exceeds the demand so its value depreciates. Furthermore, snack food does not appeal to its customers. They prefer a higher quality meal. They don't eat it and the Church complains that it is not a cafeteria. Like Henry Ford's "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black” policy , the Church insists that we eat what it serves and eat all it serves. The stomach of the customers disagrees, however. The children of Adam and Eve do not bend their neck to a Church that wants to regulate every nook and cranny of their life. They were given the gift of rationality not the gift of obedience and they, like all of the children of Adam and Eve, wish to govern themselves. They believe - and rightly so - that when fed the truth, their rationality can steer themselves in the right direction. Therefore, show them the truth instead of insisting that they obey.