john bosco June 13, 2015 If the love note of Bethlehem were counterfeit, God's love for us would have faded as we tortured Him and died when we killed Him. But it did not. It survived. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 Two glorious rays of light escaped the black hole of His death. They illuminate the nature of Jesus for us. We tortured Him but He did not stop loving us. We killed Him but He did not stay dead. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 The serpent conjured up the illusion that a life lived as gods in godlessness is superior to a life lived with God in paradise. The illusion induced Adam and Eve to abdicate paradise for godlessness. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 When God delivers to us the gift of paradise, we will not abdicate it for godlessness as did Adam and Eve. We have tasted the sourness of godlessness. We know better. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 The prodigal son is not going back to the pig sty and neither are we. Our experience in the pig sty stops us from repeating the original sin of our parents, Adam and Eve. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 The Crucifixion is revelation. Revelation is not meant to be a mystery or a secret. Revelation is meant to be understood john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 Reality shatters illusion. The truth sets us free. Our experience in godlessness teaches us that the serpent was a liar and that godlessness sucks. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 8, 2015 Serpent The Mass is the celebration of the Son of God's victory over the serpent. The serpent showed us that God's love for us is indestructible. john bosco June 8, 2015 Serpent
john bosco June 8, 2015 Serpent At Calvary, the serpent again tried to extinguish God's love for us. And again failed. He induced us to torture and kill the Son of God. However, God did not surrender His love for us. john bosco June 8, 2015 Serpent
john bosco June 8, 2015 Serpent At Eden, the serpent induced Adam and Eve to abdicate paradise for godlessness. Surely, the serpent reasoned, their ingratitude would extinguish God's love for them. God, however, was uncooperative. john bosco June 8, 2015 Serpent
john bosco June 8, 2015 Serpent Jealous of God's love for us, the serpent has plotted to extinguish It. john bosco June 8, 2015 Serpent
john bosco June 7, 2015 Crucifixion The Roman Empire crucified millions. Name one of the crucified. Name another. Is it not a miracle that only one is remembered? john bosco June 7, 2015 Crucifixion
john bosco June 7, 2015 Love The dial that controls His love for us is in His hands not ours. Moreover, it is set to the highest degree and is locked in place. john bosco June 7, 2015 Love
john bosco June 7, 2015 Guarantee The survival of His love for us is the guarantee that the love note of Bethlehem is genuine. john bosco June 7, 2015 Guarantee
john bosco June 7, 2015 At Calvary, the most Holy Trinity delivered to us a guarantee that the love note was genuine. john bosco June 7, 2015
john bosco June 7, 2015 At Bethlehem, the Most Holy Trinity delivered to us a love note. It was not an ordinary love note. It was unique. It lived and breathed. john bosco June 7, 2015
john bosco June 7, 2015 Our lives occupy an infinitesimally thin slice of time when we compare the thin slice to the thickness of eternity - no matter how long john bosco June 7, 2015
john bosco June 7, 2015 Voice The whisper of one cogent voice is louder than the clamor of an army of ten thousand. john bosco June 7, 2015 Voice
john bosco June 7, 2015 An incomplete thought is sometimes as problematic as an incorrect thought. 'Jesus loves us' is an incomplete thought. Complete it by saying, 'We tortured Him but He did not stop loving us.' john bosco June 7, 2015
john bosco June 7, 2015 In our rush from His death to His Resurrection, we often skip the sweetness part of the revelation: We tortured Him but He did not stop loving us. john bosco June 7, 2015