The Many Purposes of Suffering

  1. It proves that God was telling us the truth and the serpent was telling us lies
  2. It pushes us to the exit of godlessness
  3. It stops us from repeating the original sin of our parents, Adam and Eve.
  4. It teaches us to love because only love provides a buffer between us and suffering.

Who is telling us the truth?

Who is telling us the truth: God or the serpent? The serpent promised us deification in godlessness (Genesis 3:5). God said we would die in godlessness (Genesis 3:2-3). The proof is in the pudding. Godlessness sucks (Godlessness). One of the purposes of allowing us to taste the sourness of godlessness for ourselves is to give us the proof that God is the truth teller and the serpent is a liar.

As we pass through godlesssness, crosses of suffering nail themselves to us.

Godlesssness sucks.

The sourness of godlessness is an engine that pushes us to its exit. It is one of two engines that drive the current of salvation. The other engine is the sweetness of paradise.

The native language in godlessness is suffering. All creature who suffer understand it. It is the only universal language that survived the confounding of languages that took place at Babel .

Godlessness is autodidactic.

The sledgehammer of truth that shatters the illusion conjured up by the serpent that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness is the sourness of godlessness itself. It shatters the illusion as the blow of a hammer shatters glass. The truth sets us free because rational people flee the sourness of godlessness (and seek the sweetness of paradise). It is contrary to our self interest to do otherwise.

The Delay

God inserted a delay between the gift of life and the gift of paradise. No longer would God's policy of gift giving call for simultaneous delivery. Starting with the children of Adam and Eve, the policy would call for sucessive delivery with a delay in-between.  During the delay, God lets us stew in the sourness of godlessness. Letting us stew temporarily in the sourness of godlessness accomplishes multiple purposes. It shatters the illusion that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness. When the sugarcoating is shattered, the truth about the sourness of godlessness becomes visible to us. We learn first hand for ourselves that godlessness sucks. Furthermore, we learn that the serpent was a liar and his promise of deification in godlessness was a lie (See, Godlessness) . God, not the serpent, is the teller of truth .
Moreover, when God does deliver to us the gift of paradise, we shall not let the gift slip through our fingers as Lucifer did, as the gaggle of angels that follow Lucifer did, as Eve did and as Adam did. When we receive the gift of paradise we shall keep it. The prodigal son is never going back to the pig sty and neither are we. Having tasted the sournesss of godlessness for ourselves, we know better. 
In addition, the sournesss of godlessness induces us to flee to its exit - to make our escape from it. The truth sets us free. Letting us stew in the sourness of godlessness is harsh but effective medicine. However, it is the source of all of the complaints against God.

Godlessness is a sinking ship

Godlessness is a sinking ship. The job of the Church is not to save the ship. The job of the Church is to save the passengers - not just a subset of passengers - but all of the passengers - saints, sinners, believers and non-believers. “To the lifeboats!” “To the lifeboats!” “Abandon Ship!” “Abandon Ship!” If the exigency is not felt, the Church is not doing its job.

When Adam and Eve, like foolish children, ran away from their home with God in paradise and took us with them into godlessness, they got what they deserved. Godlessness sucks. Experiencing the sourness of godlessness is the price that they paid for their folly. God, however, was not content that they got what they deserved. He, therefore, dove in after them to rescue them. The sweetness of paradise followed them into godlessness to rescue them and us

Theodicy: What is the purpose of evil?

Letting us stew in the sourness of godlessness achieves multiple purposes:

1) (Harsh but Effective Medicine) God doesn't want us to get fooled twice. One "original sin" is enough. The debacle of Adam and Eve need not be repeated. God, therefore, inserts a delay between the delivery of the gift of life and the delivery of the gift of paradise. During the delay, the children of Adam and Eve taste for themselves the sourness of godlessness. The experience in godlessness makes it impossible for the serpent to deceive us a second time. The serpent promised Adam and Eve that a life lived as gods in godlessness would be superior to a life lived with God in paradise (Godlessness). Not true. This is a lie. A taste of the sourness of godlessness exposes the serpent's lie. The truth pokes a hole in the lie and drains the lie of its power to deceive. The lie no longer works. Having tasted the pig sty for himself, the prodigal son will never return there. Neither will we. When God delivers the gift of paradise to us, we will keep it. We know better. We will not abdicate the gift of paradise as Satan did, as the gaggle of angels who follow Satan did , as Eve did and as Adam did. Each of them received the gift of life and the gift of paradise simultaneously.  Simultaneous delivery of the gift of life and the gift of paradise did not work. God, therefore, tweaked the delivery schedule by inserting a delay. During the delay, godlessness is our teacher. During the delay, the harsh but effective medicine of godlessness inoculates us against the disease of post delivery paradise opt out. God does not want us to fumble the ball.

2) (Shattering one of the two Illusions) The experience in godlessness shatters the illusion conjured up by the serpent that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness. It shatters the illusion as the blow of a hammer shatters glass. After the sugarcoating is shattered, the sourness of godlessness becomes visible to us. Rational people flee the sourness of godlessness. They head for the exit. They pick up the roots they have sunk deep into the hostile desert of godlessness and make their escape. It is contrary to their welfare to do otherwise. The truth sets them free. It transforms them from settlers into pilgrims. The sourness of godlessness is the engine that pushes us on the escape route from godlessness to paradise. It is the "stick" of God's rescue plan.

3) (Who tells us the truth?) Moreover, the experience in godlessness proves that the serpent was a liar and that God told us the truth. It shifts the credibility from the serpent to God. Now, when there is a conflict between the word of God and the word of the serpent, we prefer the one with the proven track record of telling us the truth (Godlessness). Experiencing the sourness of godlessness for ourselves is the hard way of learning the truth about godlessness. Yet, it is the most persuasive way. Obedience is the easier way. However, obedience is less effective than experience. Obedience save us from paying the price of experience.

The insertion of a "delay" between the delivery of the gift of life and the delivery of the gift of paradise is the most controversial part of God's rescue plan. It is a brief delay, but for many, not brief enough. The delay is harsh medicine. It generates all of the complaints about God's rescue plan. Letting humanity stew in the sourness of godlessness is the surest way to maximize the negative feedback against God. The sourness of godlessness has caused many to shake their fists at God as they curse him in the foulest of language. We do not take our medicine quietly. The delay is the basis that drives many to the incorrect conclusion that God is a malicious misanthrope or that he doesn't exist. Yet, in the eyes of God, the effectiveness of the medicine justifies its harshness and the flak he takes on account of it. So God prescribes it.

Why suffering? Sorry but I must take issue with your glorification of suffering. The cause of our suffering is the serpent. His lies induced our parents, Adam and Eve, to run away from their home with God in paradise and take us with them into godlessness. Godlessness sucks. As we pass through the valley of tears, crosses of suffering nail themselves to us. God does not make us suffer. The serpent did. God, however, uses suffering for his purpose.  God delays rescuing us from the valley of tears so we can stew there for a bit. By inserting a delay between the gift of life and the gift of paradise, we experience suffering for ourselves. Personal experience is the most persuasive teacher. Letting us stew in the valley of tears for a bit is harsh but effective medicine. 1) It proves that the serpent was a liar and God was telling us the truth (Genesis 3:3-5). Having this 1st hand evidence makes it impossible to mistrust the credibility of God. 2) Suffering pushes us to the exit of the valley of tears. Rational people flee the sourness of godlessness. It is contrary to our self-interest to do otherwise.  Suffering shatters the illusion that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness. The truth becomes visible to us. The truth sets us free. 3) Suffering vaccinates us against the disease of post delivery paradise opt out. God, our doting father, witnessed Lucifer walk through the door that separates paradise from godlessness, the gaggle of angels who followed Lucifer, Eve, Adam and the prodigal son. God does not want us to repeat their "original sin". So God vaccinates us. The prodigal son is never going back to the pig sty and neither are we. Because we suffered in the valley of tears, we know better.  All of the complaints against God and his rescue plan arise because he lets us stew in the valley of tears for a bit. In his mercy, however, God limits our exile in the valley of tears to just a lifetime - - an infinitesimally thin slice of time when compared to the thickness of eternity. Moreover,  in exile in the valley of tears, God's children are being eaten up and ripped apart, broken and shattered. The wolves are devouring the sheep. The sighs, mourning and weeping of God's children break his heart. So God sent us his Son to pay us a visit. He did not come empty handed. He brought with him a gift.  The utility of the gift is not limited to just Christians. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. can benefit from the gift. Its utility transcends religions. Our crosses of suffering plant us, like a tree, in the ground, stopping our progress to paradise short of the destination. The gift that he brought from heaven to earth was the secret of transforming ourselves into superman. He brought with him the secret of how to deny ourselves, to pick up our crosses and to carry them so we can continue our journey through the valley of tears to paradise (Matthew 16:24). The secret was not how to rid ourselves of suffering. Suffering is a necessary evil. The secret hanging in plain sight from the cross was the secret of how to best pass through suffering. I am running out of space. Does anyone want to know the secret? [Note: Beware those who preach the gospel of irrationality. Don't let them fool you. Suffering sucks. Don't let them tell you otherwise.]Sorry but I must take issue with your glorification of suffering. The cause of our suffering is the serpent. His lies induced our parents, Adam and Eve, to run away from their home with God in paradise and take us with them into godlessness. Godlessness sucks. As we pass through the valley of tears, crosses of suffering nail themselves to us. God does not make us suffer. The serpent did. God, however, uses suffering for his purpose.  God delays rescuing us from the valley of tears so we can stew there for a bit. By inserting a delay between the gift of life and the gift of paradise, we experience suffering for ourselves. Personal experience is the most persuasive teacher. Letting us stew in the valley of tears for a bit is harsh but effective medicine. 1) It proves that the serpent was a liar and God was telling us the truth (Genesis 3:3-5). Having this 1st hand evidence makes it impossible to mistrust the credibility of God. 2) Suffering pushes us to the exit of the valley of tears. Rational people flee the sourness of godlessness. It is contrary to our self-interest to do otherwise.  Suffering shatters the illusion that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness. The truth becomes visible to us. The truth sets us free. 3) Suffering vaccinates us against the disease of post delivery paradise opt out. God, our doting father, witnessed Lucifer walk through the door that separates paradise from godlessness, the gaggle of angels who followed Lucifer, Eve, Adam and the prodigal son. God does not want us to repeat their "original sin". So God vaccinates us. The prodigal son is never going back to the pig sty and neither are we. Because we suffered in the valley of tears, we know better.  All of the complaints against God and his rescue plan arise because he lets us stew in the valley of tears for a bit. In his mercy, however, God limits our exile in the valley of tears to just a lifetime - - an infinitesimally thin slice of time when compared to the thickness of eternity. Moreover,  in exile in the valley of tears, God's children are being eaten up and ripped apart, broken and shattered. The wolves are devouring the sheep. The sighs, mourning and weeping of God's children break his heart. So God sent us his Son to pay us a visit. He did not come empty handed. He brought with him a gift.  The utility of the gift is not limited to just Christians. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. can benefit from the gift. Its utility transcends religions. Our crosses of suffering plant us, like a tree, in the ground, stopping our progress to paradise short of the destination. The gift that he brought from heaven to earth was the secret of transforming ourselves into superman. He brought with him the secret of how to deny ourselves, to pick up our crosses and to carry them so we can continue our journey through the valley of tears to paradise (Matthew 16:24). The secret was not how to rid ourselves of suffering. Suffering is a necessary evil. The secret hanging in plain sight from the cross was the secret of how to best pass through suffering. I am running out of space. Does anyone want to know the secret? [Note: Beware those who preach the gospel of irrationality. Don't let them fool you. Suffering sucks. Don't let them tell you otherwise.]Sorry but I must take issue with your glorification of suffering. The cause of our suffering is the serpent. His lies induced our parents, Adam and Eve, to run away from their home with God in paradise and take us with them into godlessness. Godlessness sucks. As we pass through the valley of tears, crosses of suffering nail themselves to us. God does not make us suffer. The serpent did. God, however, uses suffering for his purpose.  God delays rescuing us from the valley of tears so we can stew there for a bit. By inserting a delay between the gift of life and the gift of paradise, we experience suffering for ourselves. Personal experience is the most persuasive teacher. Letting us stew in the valley of tears for a bit is harsh but effective medicine. 1) It proves that the serpent was a liar and God was telling us the truth (Genesis 3:3-5). Having this 1st hand evidence makes it impossible to mistrust the credibility of God. 2) Suffering pushes us to the exit of the valley of tears. Rational people flee the sourness of godlessness. It is contrary to our self-interest to do otherwise.  Suffering shatters the illusion that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness. The truth becomes visible to us. The truth sets us free. 3) Suffering vaccinates us against the disease of post delivery paradise opt out. God, our doting father, witnessed Lucifer walk through the door that separates paradise from godlessness, the gaggle of angels who followed Lucifer, Eve, Adam and the prodigal son. God does not want us to repeat their "original sin". So God vaccinates us. The prodigal son is never going back to the pig sty and neither are we. Because we suffered in the valley of tears, we know better.  All of the complaints against God and his rescue plan arise because he lets us stew in the valley of tears for a bit. In his mercy, however, God limits our exile in the valley of tears to just a lifetime - - an infinitesimally thin slice of time when compared to the thickness of eternity. Moreover,  in exile in the valley of tears, God's children are being eaten up and ripped apart, broken and shattered. The wolves are devouring the sheep. The sighs, mourning and weeping of God's children break his heart. So God sent us his Son to pay us a visit. He did not come empty handed. He brought with him a gift.  The utility of the gift is not limited to just Christians. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. can benefit from the gift. Its utility transcends religions. Our crosses of suffering plant us, like a tree, in the ground, stopping our progress to paradise short of the destination. The gift that he brought from heaven to earth was the secret of transforming ourselves into superman. He brought with him the secret of how to deny ourselves, to pick up our crosses and to carry them so we can continue our journey through the valley of tears to paradise (Matthew 16:24). The secret was not how to rid ourselves of suffering. Suffering is a necessary evil. The secret hanging in plain sight from the cross was the secret of how to best pass through suffering. I am running out of space. Does anyone want to know the secret? [Note: Beware those who preach the gospel of irrationality. Don't let them fool you. Suffering sucks. Don't let them tell you otherwise.]

Sorry but I must take issue with your glorification of suffering. The cause of our suffering is the serpent. His lies induced our parents, Adam and Eve, to run away from their home with God in paradise and take us with them into godlessness. Godlessness sucks. As we pass through the valley of tears, crosses of suffering nail themselves to us. God does not make us suffer. The serpent did. God, however, uses suffering for his purpose.  God delays rescuing us from the valley of tears so we can stew there for a bit. By inserting a delay between the gift of life and the gift of paradise, we experience suffering for ourselves. Personal experience is the most persuasive teacher. Letting us stew in the valley of tears for a bit is harsh but effective medicine. 1) It proves that the serpent was a liar and God was telling us the truth (Genesis 3:3-5). Having this 1st hand evidence makes it impossible to mistrust the credibility of God. 2) Suffering pushes us to the exit of the valley of tears. Rational people flee the sourness of godlessness. It is contrary to our self-interest to do otherwise.  Suffering shatters the illusion that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness. The truth becomes visible to us. The truth sets us free. 3) Suffering vaccinates us against the disease of post delivery paradise opt out. God, our doting father, witnessed Lucifer walk through the door that separates paradise from godlessness, the gaggle of angels who followed Lucifer, Eve, Adam and the prodigal son. God does not want us to repeat their "original sin". So God vaccinates us. The prodigal son is never going back to the pig sty and neither are we. Because we suffered in the valley of tears, we know better.  All of the complaints against God and his rescue plan arise because he lets us stew in the valley of tears for a bit. In his mercy, however, God limits our exile in the valley of tears to just a lifetime - - an infinitesimally thin slice of time when compared to the thickness of eternity. Moreover,  in exile in the valley of tears, God's children are being eaten up and ripped apart, broken and shattered. The wolves are devouring the sheep. The sighs, mourning and weeping of God's children break his heart. So God sent us his Son to pay us a visit. He did not come empty handed. He brought with him a gift.  The utility of the gift is not limited to just Christians. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. can benefit from the gift. Its utility transcends religions. Our crosses of suffering plant us, like a tree, in the ground, stopping our progress to paradise short of the destination. The gift that he brought from heaven to earth was the secret of transforming ourselves into superman. He brought with him the secret of how to deny ourselves, to pick up our crosses and to carry them so we can continue our journey through the valley of tears to paradise (Matthew 16:24). The secret was not how to rid ourselves of suffering. Suffering is a necessary evil. The secret hanging in plain sight from the cross was the secret of how to best pass through suffering. I am running out of space. Does anyone want to know the secret? [Note: Beware those who preach the gospel of irrationality. Don't let them fool you. Suffering sucks. Don't let them tell you otherwise.]

Sorry but I must take issue with your glorification of suffering. The cause of our suffering is the serpent. His lies induced our parents, Adam and Eve, to run away from their home with God in paradise and take us with them into godlessness. Godlessness sucks. As we pass through the valley of tears, crosses of suffering nail themselves to us. God does not make us suffer. The serpent did. God, however, uses suffering for his purpose.  God delays rescuing us from the valley of tears so we can stew there for a bit. By inserting a delay between the gift of life and the gift of paradise, we experience suffering for ourselves. Personal experience is the most persuasive teacher. Letting us stew in the valley of tears for a bit is harsh but effective medicine. 1) It proves that the serpent was a liar and God was telling us the truth (Genesis 3:3-5). Having this 1st hand evidence makes it impossible to mistrust the credibility of God. 2) Suffering pushes us to the exit of the valley of tears. Rational people flee the sourness of godlessness. It is contrary to our self-interest to do otherwise.  Suffering shatters the illusion that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness. The truth becomes visible to us. The truth sets us free. 3) Suffering vaccinates us against the disease of post delivery paradise opt out. God, our doting father, witnessed Lucifer walk through the door that separates paradise from godlessness, the gaggle of angels who followed Lucifer, Eve, Adam and the prodigal son. God does not want us to repeat their "original sin". So God vaccinates us. The prodigal son is never going back to the pig sty and neither are we. Because we suffered in the valley of tears, we know better.  All of the complaints against God and his rescue plan arise because he lets us stew in the valley of tears for a bit. In his mercy, however, God limits our exile in the valley of tears to just a lifetime - - an infinitesimally thin slice of time when compared to the thickness of eternity. Moreover,  in exile in the valley of tears, God's children are being eaten up and ripped apart, broken and shattered. The wolves are devouring the sheep. The sighs, mourning and weeping of God's children break his heart. So God sent us his Son to pay us a visit. He did not come empty handed. He brought with him a gift.  The utility of the gift is not limited to just Christians. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. can benefit from the gift. Its utility transcends religions. Our crosses of suffering plant us, like a tree, in the ground, stopping our progress to paradise short of the destination. The gift that he brought from heaven to earth was the secret of transforming ourselves into superman. He brought with him the secret of how to deny ourselves, to pick up our crosses and to carry them so we can continue our journey through the valley of tears to paradise (Matthew 16:24). The secret was not how to rid ourselves of suffering. Suffering is a necessary evil. The secret hanging in plain sight from the cross was the secret of how to best pass through suffering. I am running out of space. Does anyone want to know the secret? [Note: Beware those who preach the gospel of irrationality. Don't let them fool you. Suffering sucks. Don't let them tell you otherwise.]





Sorry but I must take issue with your glorification of suffering. The cause of our suffering is the serpent. His lies induced our parents, Adam and Eve, to run away from their home with God in paradise and take us with them into godlessness. Godlessness sucks. As we pass through the valley of tears, crosses of suffering nail themselves to us. God does not make us suffer. The serpent did. God, however, uses suffering for his purpose.  God delays rescuing us from the valley of tears so we can stew there for a bit. By inserting a delay between the gift of life and the gift of paradise, we experience suffering for ourselves. Personal experience is the most persuasive teacher. Letting us stew in the valley of tears for a bit is harsh but effective medicine. 1) It proves that the serpent was a liar and God was telling us the truth (Genesis 3:3-5). Having this 1st hand evidence makes it impossible to mistrust the credibility of God. 2) Suffering pushes us to the exit of the valley of tears. Rational people flee the sourness of godlessness. It is contrary to our self-interest to do otherwise.  Suffering shatters the illusion that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness. The truth becomes visible to us. The truth sets us free. 3) Suffering vaccinates us against the disease of post delivery paradise opt out. God, our doting father, witnessed Lucifer walk through the door that separates paradise from godlessness, the gaggle of angels who followed Lucifer, Eve, Adam and the prodigal son. God does not want us to repeat their "original sin". So God vaccinates us. The prodigal son is never going back to the pig sty and neither are we. Because we suffered in the valley of tears, we know better.  All of the complaints against God and his rescue plan arise because he lets us stew in the valley of tears for a bit. In his mercy, however, God limits our exile in the valley of tears to just a lifetime - - an infinitesimally thin slice of time when compared to the thickness of eternity. Moreover,  in exile in the valley of tears, God's children are being eaten up and ripped apart, broken and shattered. The wolves are devouring the sheep. The sighs, mourning and weeping of God's children break his heart. So God sent us his Son to pay us a visit. He did not come empty handed. He brought with him a gift.  The utility of the gift is not limited to just Christians. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. can benefit from the gift. Its utility transcends religions. Our crosses of suffering plant us, like a tree, in the ground, stopping our progress to paradise short of the destination. The gift that he brought from heaven to earth was the secret of transforming ourselves into superman. He brought with him the secret of how to deny ourselves, to pick up our crosses and to carry them so we can continue our journey through the valley of tears to paradise (Matthew 16:24). The secret was not how to rid ourselves of suffering. Suffering is a necessary evil. The secret hanging in plain sight from the cross was the secret of how to best pass through suffering. I am running out of space. Does anyone want to know the secret? [Note: Beware those who preach the gospel of irrationality. Don't let them fool you. Suffering sucks. Don't let them tell you otherwise.]Sorry but I must take issue with your glorification of suffering. The cause of our suffering is the serpent. His lies induced our parents, Adam and Eve, to run away from their home with God in paradise and take us with them into godlessness. Godlessness sucks. As we pass through the valley of tears, crosses of suffering nail themselves to us. God does not make us suffer. The serpent did. God, however, uses suffering for his purpose.  God delays rescuing us from the valley of tears so we can stew there for a bit. By inserting a delay between the gift of life and the gift of paradise, we experience suffering for ourselves. Personal experience is the most persuasive teacher. Letting us stew in the valley of tears for a bit is harsh but effective medicine. 1) It proves that the serpent was a liar and God was telling us the truth (Genesis 3:3-5). Having this 1st hand evidence makes it impossible to mistrust the credibility of God. 2) Suffering pushes us to the exit of the valley of tears. Rational people flee the sourness of godlessness. It is contrary to our self-interest to do otherwise.  Suffering shatters the illusion that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness. The truth becomes visible to us. The truth sets us free. 3) Suffering vaccinates us against the disease of post delivery paradise opt out. God, our doting father, witnessed Lucifer walk through the door that separates paradise from godlessness, the gaggle of angels who followed Lucifer, Eve, Adam and the prodigal son. God does not want us to repeat their "original sin". So God vaccinates us. The prodigal son is never going back to the pig sty and neither are we. Because we suffered in the valley of tears, we know better.  All of the complaints against God and his rescue plan arise because he lets us stew in the valley of tears for a bit. In his mercy, however, God limits our exile in the valley of tears to just a lifetime - - an infinitesimally thin slice of time when compared to the thickness of eternity. Moreover,  in exile in the valley of tears, God's children are being eaten up and ripped apart, broken and shattered. The wolves are devouring the sheep. The sighs, mourning and weeping of God's children break his heart. So God sent us his Son to pay us a visit. He did not come empty handed. He brought with him a gift.  The utility of the gift is not limited to just Christians. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. can benefit from the gift. Its utility transcends religions. Our crosses of suffering plant us, like a tree, in the ground, stopping our progress to paradise short of the destination. The gift that he brought from heaven to earth was the secret of transforming ourselves into superman. He brought with him the secret of how to deny ourselves, to pick up our crosses and to carry them so we can continue our journey through the valley of tears to paradise (Matthew 16:24). The secret was not how to rid ourselves of suffering. Suffering is a necessary evil. The secret hanging in plain sight from the cross was the secret of how to best pass through suffering. I am running out of space. Does anyone want to know the secret? [Note: Beware those who preach the gospel of irrationality. Don't let them fool you. Suffering sucks. Don't let them tell you otherwise.]

Sorry but I must take issue with your glorification of suffering. The cause of our suffering is the serpent. His lies induced our parents, Adam and Eve, to run away from their home with God in paradise and take us with them into godlessness. Godlessness sucks. As we pass through the valley of tears, crosses of suffering nail themselves to us. God does not make us suffer. The serpent did. God, however, uses suffering for his purpose.  God delays rescuing us from the valley of tears so we can stew there for a bit. By inserting a delay between the gift of life and the gift of paradise, we experience suffering for ourselves. Personal experience is the most persuasive teacher. Letting us stew in the valley of tears for a bit is harsh but effective medicine. 1) It proves that the serpent was a liar and God was telling us the truth (Genesis 3:3-5). Having this 1st hand evidence makes it impossible to mistrust the credibility of God. 2) Suffering pushes us to the exit of the valley of tears. Rational people flee the sourness of godlessness. It is contrary to our self-interest to do otherwise.  Suffering shatters the illusion that sugarcoats the sourness of godlessness. The truth becomes visible to us. The truth sets us free. 3) Suffering vaccinates us against the disease of post delivery paradise opt out. God, our doting father, witnessed Lucifer walk through the door that separates paradise from godlessness, the gaggle of angels who followed Lucifer, Eve, Adam and the prodigal son. God does not want us to repeat their "original sin". So God vaccinates us. The prodigal son is never going back to the pig sty and neither are we. Because we suffered in the valley of tears, we know better.  All of the complaints against God and his rescue plan arise because he lets us stew in the valley of tears for a bit. In his mercy, however, God limits our exile in the valley of tears to just a lifetime - - an infinitesimally thin slice of time when compared to the thickness of eternity. Moreover,  in exile in the valley of tears, God's children are being eaten up and ripped apart, broken and shattered. The wolves are devouring the sheep. The sighs, mourning and weeping of God's children break his heart. So God sent us his Son to pay us a visit. He did not come empty handed. He brought with him a gift.  The utility of the gift is not limited to just Christians. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. can benefit from the gift. Its utility transcends religions. Our crosses of suffering plant us, like a tree, in the ground, stopping our progress to paradise short of the destination. The gift that he brought from heaven to earth was the secret of transforming ourselves into superman. He brought with him the secret of how to deny ourselves, to pick up our crosses and to carry them so we can continue our journey through the valley of tears to paradise (Matthew 16:24). The secret was not how to rid ourselves of suffering. Suffering is a necessary evil. The secret hanging in plain sight from the cross was the secret of how to best pass through suffering. I am running out of space. Does anyone want to know the secret? [Note: Beware those who preach the gospel of irrationality. Don't let them fool you. Suffering sucks. Don't let them tell you otherwise.]