john bosco June 13, 2015 Adam and Eve and a gaggle of angels led by Lucifer abdicated paradise for godlessness after paradise had already been delivered to them. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 How do we prevent the children of Adam and Eve from repeating the mistake of their parents without turning paradise into a prison, ourselves into wardens and them into prisoners? john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 The sin of Adam and Eve was that they abdicated the gift of paradise - renounced it - after it had already been delivered to them. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 Like a teacher, the Church shares its knowledge of God with us. The Church is not a monster who tries to ram doctrine down our throats. Doing so, triggers our gag reflex. We regurgitate it. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 The Church has explored the mystery, majesty and magnificence of God for more than two thousand years. Its experience has given it great confidence that it knows a thing or two about God. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 The new exodus is led / served by the new Moses, the Church. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 A new exodus is making its escape through the hostile desert of godlessness from slavery under the yoke of Pharaoh to freedom with God and their Holy Family in the promised land. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 A Christian is an explorer investigating the mystery, majesty and magnificence of God john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 The cost that the Son of God paid for our salvation is all about the guarantee of the love note and not about the love note itself. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 The delay is harsh but effective medicine. When the gift of paradise is delivered to us, we shall keep it. We shall not abdicate it for godlessness as Adam and Eve did. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 God inserted a delay between the delivery of the gift of existence and the delivery of the gift of paradise so we can experience the sourness of godlessness for ourselves. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 He paid the cost of our salvation out of His own pocket. He did not pass the hat amongst us to help defray the cost. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 Our salvation was not free. There was a cost involved. We did not pay the cost of our salvation. He did. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 He could have dispatched His subordinates to rescue us. He could have sent his flunkies. But He did not. He did the job Himself. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 Danger invites rescue. Adam and Eve's descent from bliss into bitterness summoned our Rescuer. We need help. So He dove in after us. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 Christianity is not about memorizing God. Christianity is experiencing God. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 Christianity is not reading about a safari. Christianity is going on safari. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 God sent us a love note. It was not an ordinary love note. It was unique. It lived and breathed. It took flesh at Bethlehem. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 That the Son of God paid the cost of our salvation out of His own pocket in the coin of suffering is the proof that the love note from God to us is genuine. john bosco June 13, 2015
john bosco June 13, 2015 That the Son of God paid the cost of our salvation out of His own pocket in the coin of suffering put into our hands an ironclad guarantee that the Love Note from God to us is genuine. john bosco June 13, 2015