“What does the light show the darkness? The light shows the darkness that the economy of paradise is based on the currency of love. The currency of love is the medium of exchange in paradise. It is a paradox, but, we grow rich by spending the currency of love. The more we spend the richer we get.”
Like foolish children, Adam and Eve ran away from their home with God in paradise and took us with them into godlessness. Godlessness is not a nice place. To rescue us from godlessness, God established an escape route, defined it with holy places, made a map of them, and entrusted the map to the Church. A new exodus led by the new Moses, the Church, is afoot and is now in progress on the escape route from godlessness to God. En masse, the children of Adam and Eve are heading home! Head home with us. You are invited.
What are the holy places that define the escape route?
The holy places are the jewels of a beautiful necklace that God established in, set against and in contrast to the hostile desert of godlessness. The movement of the new exodus on the escape route forms the needle of the compass that always points to God. Only by moving from holy place to holy place can we be certain that we are heading in the right direction.
At a holy place, a close encounter with the living God takes place. At a holy place, we include God in our lives and God includes us in theirs. We enter into the mystery, majesty and magnificence of God at the holy places. Nobody walks away from a close encounter with the living God unchanged. Nobody walks away from a close encounter with the living God empty handed. A close encounter with the living God transforms us. During a close encounter with the living God, a connection is made between earth and heaven. Through the connection, the light of paradise illuminates the darkness of godlessness. What does the light show the darkness? The light shows the darkness that the economy of paradise is based on the currency of love. The currency of love is the medium of exchange in paradise. During a close encounter with the living God at a holy place, God spends the currency of love on us or we spend the currency of love on others. Love is given and received. We can spend a little or we can spend a lot. It is a paradox, but, we grow rich by spending the currency of love. The more we spend the richer we get.
Examples of the holy places upon the earth at which close encounters with the living God take place are the Mass, Confession, the other sacraments, works of charity, acts of kindness, prayer especially the rosary, Eucharistic adoration, feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, fasting, the gathering of two or more together in God's name, bible study, suffering, the hour of death, etc.
“The movement of the new exodus on the escape route forms the needle of the compass that always points to God.”
“Only by moving from holy place to holy place can we be certain that we are heading in the right direction. ”