On the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection, Jesus published a high fidelity representation of God. All other representations of God made by human hands must step aside and yield to the representation that the Son of God himself gave to us. Jesus had many options with which to represent the reality of God. The option he settled upon, however, was forgiveness. Jesus used forgiveness to give us a high fidelity representation of God. According to Jesus, to know forgiveness is to know God.
Religious practices keep important truths about God alive. When we encounter a religious practice, it is always insightful to try to figure out what truth it is keeping alive. A religious practice not assigned to a truth about God is a fetish - a superstition.
What happened when forgiveness met torture, suffering, killing and death in a violent collision on the road from the Crucifixion the Resurrection?
What is the equation that God engineered on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection?