Tearing down the old monuments only expresses displeasure in the ideas associated with them. It does not articulate the basis of the displeasure. It is simply the angry squeal of a brute. We are not Taliban. We are not brutes. We need to do better. We need to articulate the basis of our opposition to the ideas associated with the old monuments.
Error illuminates truth. The Crucifixion illuminated the reality that God loves us dearly. The old monuments serve as a foil for the new monuments. Only when we build new and better monuments, do we articulate the reasons for our disagreement - do we provide the foundation on which our disagreement is based. Only when we build new and better monuments can the world compare the old and the new and arrive at their own conclusions about whether the constellation of ideas that orbits a monument is superior or inferior. A declaration of disagreement has absolutely no persuasive force. The persuasive force belongs not to the declaration but to the foundation of the disagreement. Only the foundation persuades. Foundations are expressed only by building new monuments - not by destroying old monuments.
How can the past be embarrassed by its beliefs if we erase the past’s beliefs?
We are rational creatures able and willing to compete in the marketplace of ideas. Tearing down the old monuments, however, makes us look like Taliban - makes us look like brutes. It is not a reputation that we want to acquire.
If we erase the errors of the past, we would have nothing with which to compare the truths of the present. Only by comparison does error illuminate the truth - does evil amplify forgiveness. If there were no Crucifixion, there would be nothing for Jesus to forgive. If there was no forgiveness, how could we reverse engineer forgiveness into a high fidelity understanding of the love of God?
The dial that controls his love for us is in his hands not ours. Moreover, it is set to the highest degree and is locked in place. Not even the evil we did to him could budge it. The more brutal the evil that we did to him, the more wonderful is the intransigence of his love. On the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection, we discovered that his love for us is indestructible.
Don’t tell us what you found; show us where to look. Let us discover what you found for ourselves.

Authority is a crutch to religious leaders. Its use causes them to forget how to persuade.
Calvary was God's attempt to persuade us that their love for us is indestructible. At Calvary, the Son of God let go of His body. He let go of his blood. He let go of his very life itself. But he refused to yield to us His love for us. It was too precious to Him to let us take it. Calvary is powerful proof indeed of indestructible love!
If we erase the errors of the past, we would have nothing with which to compare the truths of the present. Only by comparison does error illuminate the truth - does evil amplify forgiveness. If there were no Crucifixion, there would be nothing for Jesus to forgive. If there was no forgiveness, how could we reverse engineer forgiveness into a high fidelity understanding of the love of God?
The dial that controls his love for us is in his hands not ours. Moreover, it is set to the highest degree and is locked in place. Not even the evil that we did to him could budge it.
We underestimate the love of God when we fail to include the amplifier whenever we express God’s love for us. Jesus himself gave us the amplifier on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection.