The background needs to know its place and yield to the foreground.
The House Divided
Auditions for the Role of God
Are You A Penal Code Christian?
The Easter Mistake
Authority is a crutch whose use brings Atrophy to the Faculty of Persuasion
The most Important Chapter of the Easter Story was Missing
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
The Antithesis of Intimidatation
Magna Carta
God Installed a Backup System in Case Our Faculty of Obedience Broke
Calvary was God's attempt to persuade us that their love for us is indestructible. At Calvary, the Son of God let go of His body. He let go of his blood. He let go of his very life itself. But he refused to yield to us His love for us. It was too precious to Him to let us take it. Calvary is powerful proof indeed of indestructible love!
How do you get there from here?
Rearrangement, Attachment, Detachment
Locked in a Box
The Measures God has taken to Defang the Serpent
The Cross
No cross - no resurrection?
The rock on which we can securely build our understanding of the nature of God is Calvary. Calvary is a combination of two significant layers of reality. On the skin of reality, we tortured and killed the Son of God while He was human, alive, tender and vulnerable. On the subcutaneous layer of reality immediately below the skin, God's love for us did not budge as we tortured and killed Him. His love for us is indestructible.